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Way of Working

Way of working has a great impact on effectiveness, efficiency, experience and organization culture. If you know how to define and design for people to make their life simple, easy and practical, you will also perform with great business results.

Way of Working is beyond a process design. It's more about an experience design that shapes people's shared mindset and behaviors. 

In classical approach, the processes are defined and revised based on the efficiency. All the study is putted into a huge deck, which states the processes with different geometric shapes. Yet it's not enough for people to visualize that process in their mind in terms of how it's explained and also how it affects their daily business. Then what happens? After a lot of time, effort and money investment, hundreds of pages of process drawings that are dusted on the shelves of the company or forgotten and not updated in its digital system...


We do not define business processes mechanically with complex geometric shapes, by making our customers do boring work in way of working programs. We create environments by helping you to convey your experiences in the processes in one-to-one meetings, to evaluate your experiences in the processes with enjoyable workshops, and to develop your solution proposals in a common mind, without putting a written workload on you.


We design your processes as a journey and narrate them in a way that everyone can understand when read. In this way, instead of trying to understand the processes with geometric shapes, we describe them with the technique of storytelling.


We turn your development suggestions that will improve your working styles and experiences in the processes into initiatives and bring them to the agenda of the management team. We turn your valuable ideas into a prioritized execution plan. Briefly, beyond defining your processes, we also bring strategic issues that will improve your business to the company's agenda.


We turn it into a way of working playbook that is easy to update and can be done by anyone (instead of drawing complex geometric shapes and trying to create a flow between each other, it is enough to update the story in the journey), which is completed in 50% less time than normal process design studies. Cost effective, practical, easy to define, update and understand. 

Increase Efficiency in Daily Experiences with

Way of Working Design

In Way of Working Design Program there are 5 steps on our journey to;

  • discover the business case and purpose for improving the way of working

  • decode your cultural codes in terms of mindset and way of working

  • determine and understand the systems, tools with their capability and how intellectual property of organization is managed

  • define the current way of working with strengths, challenges and areas for improvement that affect execution excellence

  • determine main phases, steps, pain points, gain points and analyze how it affects people experiences

  • define initiatives and convert it into a prioritized execution plan

  • design way of working playbook and develop the way of working owners for updates

1. Discover

the Business Case and Way of Working

We understand the real business case to improve the way of working (e.g. Increase efficiency, business acumen mindset, execution focus, agility, digital transformation, etc.). Then we determine the department(s), scope, and stakeholders. Afterwards we conduct the 1:1 and group studies to understand the current journeys with main phases, challenges and strenght points from the leaders's point of view with their dream statement for way of working. Afterwards request system analysis, reporting formats, and relevant informative documents.


Document and Systems Analysis

1:1  and Group Studies

2. Dream

the Desired Way of Working Workshops

We determine and design the main journeys with their high level phase definitions, have the approval of journey maps from the leaders. Then facilitate the workshops with people within their business unit / department / project team. In workshops we ask participants to define the main steps in each phase of each journey. Then states the touch points (in terms of communication channels, interaction places, documents they produce or systems that they use) with their experience evaluations. Decode their pain points / gain points for each phase and ask them to generate solutions to improve the way of working with stakeholders map.


Workshop Facilitations

3. Design

the Way of Working Playbook with Prioritised Execution Plan

The journey's are decoded and analyzed in terms of definition gap between leadership and their team. Also prepare the missing / needed information list to define the final journeys. Then the journey's are pre-shared with leaders with improvement suggestions of the team. Then we conduct an execution plan study to finalize the journey maps and to prioritize the suggested initiatives before presenting them to the sponsor. â€‹

After sharing with the sponsor and have the final decision for the suggested items, we finalize the way of working journeys and convert them into a Playbook.


Execution Plan Studies

Way of Working Playbook Design

4. Deploy

the Way of Working in Daily Life

The final version of the Way of Working Playbook is shared with team via launch and communication activities, trainings to transform the behaviors inline with the new way of working. Also prioritized initiative plan that will improve their way of working in time, will be transparently shared with people to prevent uncertain points. 


Transformation Progress Report

Communication Activities

Training and Development Programs

5. Develop

Way of Working Owners

Way of Working owners (we suggest them to be from both the leadership and management team) will be trained briefly how to update the journeys with philosophy, methodology and tools; and make this an ongoing program that always improves itself for the sake of efficiency and better people experience. 


Way of Working Owners Training

If you need further information and request a meeting:

A close-up of one of my favorite eye-catching pieces of architecture in LA the Petersen Au

Way of Working

Great Company Inc.

Your Journeys with Storytelling Approach in

Way of Working Playbook

We convert the processes into journeys with storytelling approach with is easy to understand and update. Way of working playbook covers all the role names with main phases, and each phase states it's main steps in storytelling format with touch points, relevant systems and documents that will be used for that journey with access links. 


Also the book will cover some useful informations, resources, tips and hints for the people to improve the way of working. 

Some parts that can be the content of your Way of Working Playbook

  • Charmain / CEO Foreword

  • Culture One Pager

  • Way of Working Team

  • Way of Working Philosophy and Principals

  • Way of Working Strategy

  • Way of Working Journey Maps Phases, Main Processes, Touch Points, Core Initiatives, Stakeholders

  • Stakeholders Collaboration Map

  • Way of Working Prioritized Execution Plan 

  • Updating Way of Working Journey Maps

  • Core / Important Procedures, Systems, Documents Linked to Journeys

  • Glossary of Terms & Icons

  • Contact Informations

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